Friends of District 214


Vote for Excellence in District 214

Vote for Hineman, Baldino,
Chung & Sagerer

Voting in School Board Elections is more than your right, it is critical to the continued success of District 214.

You can greatly impact all of our kids’ education by supporting the district and the school board with your votes and tax dollars. You can continue that support this April 1st.

Learn More About Us

Read their biographies to learn more about Mark Hineman, Mary Kay Baldino, Vicki Chung, and Joseph Sagerer.

The candidates have a comprehensive platform to continue District 214’s student-focused, proven leadership:

  • Parents of current and graduated D214 children
  • Combined elementary and school board experience
  • Continuing and enhancing our award-winning academic and career education programs
  • Responsible management of the District’s finances and infrastructure
  • Growing successful programs like the pathways and dual credit options
  • Committed to an equitable education for every student
  • Transparent and engaged community leaders
  • Continuing to support our incredible teachers and staff
  • Committed to continued partnerships with local leaders and organizations

How Do I Vote?

Get Registered

Vote by Mail

  • You can request a mail ballot online or by mail starting January 2nd, but we recommend requesting one as soon as possible to avoid mail delays.
  • The last day to mail your ballot is April 1st, but please vote earlier to ensure your ballot is postmarked in time.

Vote in Person

How Do I Help?

Host a Yard Sign

We have a number of yard signs that you can use to show your support for the Friends of District 214 candidates. These can be especially impactful if you are in a high-traffic area.

Please get in touch with us here if you would like one!

Other Help

We can use help in talking to voters, distributing literature, sharing information on social media, and more. If you’d like to help, please reach out to us here.